Locksmith Etobicoke has mobile units containing all tools, equipment and supply to help with any lock, door or key. Our team provides the fastest service, in the city. Our Locksmith Etobicoke team will start helping you in no more than 20 minutes from your call. Call for our Locksmith Etobicoke to help you day or night!
A broken lock or key will surprise you at the worst possible time, but trust your team to give you the best locksmith experience. One of our mobile technicians will be at your side in minutes to fix your lock; extract a broken key, or replace doors and locks in your car, home or office. Our service will meet your auto, residential and commercial lock and door repair needs around the clock.
Let us take care of the safety and security of your new office building, apartment or house; with our quick, guaranteed door repair, lock re-key or key copy services. One of our professional locksmiths can re-key (instead of replace) your locks. Trust us to re-key your locks and improve the security of your residential or commercial property. All of our work is guaranteed for 90 days.
Our company offers services ranging from repairing the lock on your home to opening your commercial vault. With a well-trained team of technicians and attention to detail; we can ensure that you are receiving the best locksmith products and services in the local area.
With the latest technology, we are able to help you receive the high levels of customer service that you deserve. Our dispatch system can schedule and track your call through completion; while our phone/radio system allows us to maintain contact with service vehicles and employees; at all times. Even before we arrive at your location, our comprehensive records of customer keys and hardware helps us; understand your exact system, saving you time.
These are some of the common mistakes that we find when we are called in to setup a master key system; for the final users as they take possession of their new home or business; and they are not happy to have to pay for items twice. The simple solution is to consult with us, your locksmith, at the beginning, during and for the final transition of occupying the space.
Ideally, we can order the right hardware and cylinders to match your existing system. Then only pin the cylinders to the master key or user needs – once. Doing the full job right the first time.
There are many locksmith services available in the Yellow Pages. What makes us different is the fact we are available twenty-four hours per day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year. It does not matter if it is nighttime, the weekend, or a holiday. We always have someone available for your emergency needs. Our technicians have been trained in lock pick techniques. Plus, they are available day or night to help you. Our technicians will get you back into your car and on the road in no time. Call (647) 812-6546 today!
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